Friday 13 March 2009

Catch Up

Mr Tickle was a little slack yesterday and didn't blog, bad Mr Tickle. But he's back to form today and it will be a big post.

Yesterday Mr Tickle was left in the dark :-(

I was waiting for my brother to come over to pick me up as we were all going shopping together and whilst sitting at the dining room table, all of a sudden the lights and air con went off... then the fans slowly stopped turning. I wondered if it was just a fuse, but then later saw the neighbour checking his fuse box also, so must have been an outage. Dad theorised that someone hit a power pole and I thought this was a good theory and had a look for the power poles... couldn't find any so I thought they were along the main roads only. I later found out from my brother that Palmerston doesn't have any power poles, all the electricity cables are underground... and how long did I live here??

So the cause still remains a mystery. I don't know if it was related or not, but shortly after the power went out, the fire engines came past and stopped a few houses down the street.

On the way to have dinner with the extended family last night I videoed a monsoon shower:

Dinner was lovely and I thought that what I've mostly been enjoying the last few days was so much contact with family. Having my brother just pop over (umm.. you don't live here!) and just popping over to pick him up on the way to the shops or vice versa. It's just nice. And I really do love my neice, she's gorgeous. Although I'm still a bit nervous around Amanda because she must feel like there are so many strangers in her life at the moment all just wanting to touch and play with Jasmyn (after all, I don't really know her) so sometimes I feel awkward.

Oh, one thing that I haven't missed is being mistaken for my brother's girlfriend all the time... this only happened twice yesterday! At least no one has asked if I'm Jasmyn's mother (although anyone would be proud to be asked that as she's a stunner but it's my brother...ew).

I have also decided never to become a travel consultant. Well, I suppose their systems might be more sophisticated than just using the internet, but seriously, some companies ought to review their websites to make sure they work!!

So today was my brother's enlistment ceremony where he was welcomed into the Air Force as an officer. The ceremony took place at the control tower at the airport. We were all seated downstairs waiting for everyone to turn up. The guy in charge then says we're going upstairs (and I was thinking the first floor or something). But then he says that there is only a mezzanine grated floor up there and is everyone ok with heights. That would be fine (except I was told to dress nicely so of course have high heels on... and am the only one!). It was amusing though because I nearly asked the guy if he had asked my brother if it was ok because I know he's not that good with heights and especially heights with open floors like the mezzanine! But he put on a brave face. I on the other hand got told it would probably be best to carry my shoes till we got 3/4 around the tower to the platform where the ceremony will be so I don't snap the heels of my shoes... have you ever walked on the mezzanine floor barefoot! It feels like your feet are being grated (and not to mention looking like a bum with no shoes on!). At the other end was a concrete platform so I could look normal again. On the way back I just walked on my tippy toes.

The view was excellent from up there! We also got a little tour of the facility. We had a look at the control tower and got to use the binoculars to watch a plane land. We also viewed the radar room where they take over the flight after it has taken off (or before it comes into land) from about 40 miles off and guide it in. The military still use a manual system to keep track of all the planes, in case the power goes out and also it's a portable system for missions etc. Of course they have computers and stuff, but it's a back up thing. Quite cool. (Apparently the civil aviation stuff is all computerised.)

It was all very impressive. Almost makes me want to join aswell! But I'm not sure if you need 20/20 vision for that kind of job... but when I got home, someone else was all ready to enlist aswell.

And I'm not superstitious or anything.. but enlisting on Friday the 13th?? :-p

PS. Used the SD card slot in my computer for the first time, how advanced!

PPS. It's always best to make sure the batteries in your camera are charged before taking it anywhere!!

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