Sunday 8 March 2009


I went to the shops today with mum and met up with Amanda, PM and baby Jasmyn and I got to push her around the shops - which gave an intersting perspective of "will the pram fit through this gap" and "excuse me sir move out of my way, baby coming thru!" - haha, road rage auntie! My brother had the impossible mission of buying jumpers for when he moves down south, so we got to the shop, found the mens section and then thought - are they even going to be selling any jumpers here, it's 34degC outside! So they left to go to another shopping centre and mum and I went grocery shopping. I couldn't find any brands I liked or even recognised anymore (other than Treseme!!). But I have bought a lovely nutty cereal and a box of sultanas, so that should ease my daily Jordan's Raisin & Almond craving (can I just import??).

I did spot something at the shops that I had to share:

Meanwhile, Mr Tickle went exploring...

The front of the house.

Throw another Mr Tickle on the barbie, love!

Not all those he encountered were friendly...

The locals.

The queen of the house.

But he finally found a friendly giant...


I watched Madagascar 2 with my brother et al. Got my hair and necklace pulled by my little neice who seems to have a fascination with electrical cables. Despite drinking lots of water (I would consider it lots...) I have a headache. No running tonight. I will attempt some sit ups etc after dinner.


  1. I am somewhat concerned for Mr Tickles welfare. Firstly we see him on the “Bird Table” where any passing Australian venomous bird could take a peck at him. Next he’s left dangerously close to a Barbeque without regard for his safety, surely he should be accompanied by an adult. If that wasn’t enough he appears to have been left to fend for himself only to be eaten by a crock and what appears to be a possum (not that I’ve ever seen one of those before!).
    Finally abandoned to the clutches of some kind of prehistoric creature, although at this moment he does appear to be getting the better of the weird creature.
    “Go Mr Tickle Go!!!!!!”
    You wouldn’t find Patches being treated this way ;-)

  2. I can assure you sir that Mr Tickle is in no danger at all... well, the croc did catch him by surprise (this is why they tell you to always keep your head and hands inside the tour bus at all times, Mr Tickle just happens to have very long hands).

    Actually, I would probably worry about the cat (aka Possum) as she can get grumpy.

    Whilst Mr Tickle may not have a passport and is in fact here illegally, he has actually signed a waiver and is out to explore the country in its natural man made state.

    Thank-you for your concern though, it will be passed onto Mr Tickle.

    PS Please keep Patches safe, she's not as adventurous.
