Saturday 7 March 2009


We landed in Singapore about an hour late, which means the pilot ended up making up 40 minutes somewhere along the way. I had it better than some others because the gate for my flight to Brisbane was opening about 15 minutes after we landed (it took about this amount of time to get off the plane!) and I still had an hour before it closed. There were staff waiting for the more urgent connecting flights which I think they were holding. They seemed nice and helpful. So after a very long walk to the departure gate I still had time to spare. The flight to Brisbane ended up being delayed by just over half an hour, they were probably getting the luggage from my first flight. Again though, the pilot said he would try and make up some time so that when we landed in Brisbane we would only be about 10 minutes late. Nothing to stress about!

Again I was sitting at the back, next to a woman who was actually sitting in my seat so I took the one next to her. It was quite apparent though that the flight was pretty empty so I jumped into the middle section and got three seats to myself again! I had a brief thought about trying to see if there were any business class seats available but thought that three to myself was good enough. I just went to sleep anyway. I haven’t watched a movie this entire trip! Well, I’ve had a splitting headache for most of it so have wanted to rest my eyes. Only an hour and a half till Brissy!! I’ll go wake Mr Tickle…

PS. Only plastic knives on this flight, and I was so hungry at “breakfast” time that I even at the baked beans (and liked them!).

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