Tuesday 24 March 2009

It's Time

There comes a point in every woman's life (or there should, I've decided) and my time is now. I am ready. To paint. There is something a bit nerve wracking about opening a can of paint (even a very small one) and facing a wall which is about to undergo a tranformation. It would be less daunting just putting the undercoat on, but I was testing the colour, straight onto the existing paint and new plaster (a colour not too dissimilar to this text!).

Was it Blackberry Sorbet? No. A last minute change to Angel Heart. If you're gonna go for it, you might as well jump into the deep end (and this from my mum!). So the slightly darker Angel Heart it was. The original intent was to get a sample pot of both colours and test them, but at $7.50 I decided to be stingy and just get the darker one. So... what thoughts have the audience??

Of course I'm getting deeper and deeper into it and the "to do" list is suffering. The black and white (or more appropriately: aged white = yellow) curtain box won't do and needs to be replaced. I'm thinking this can be done with a strip of appropriate fabric and a staple gun (which apparently you can hire from Bunnings). My biggest enemy seems to be time. I had also planned to finish puttying the sliding door... luckily I've finished the curtains, although if I don't keep my big mouth shut I will end up getting another two curtains on the "to do" list also.

I feel the need to watch "Bridge to Terrabithia". It's not such a random comment if you've seen the film (and you will!) - I'm refering to, of course, the scene where they paint the room (der!). Love that movie.

On other things... I felt rather strange at Coles today when I bought some bread and floss and after going through the checkout felt empty handed because, here you don't have to pack your own bags. Sweet.

Also, I had a chance to catch up with my favourite dish, honey chicken (brownish lump of meat to the right):

I caught up with some CSI the other night with my mum.

I also swung past the local Day Spa and picked up a brochure. The lady told me that the Hot Rock treatment is good for knots in the back even if you think that you need strong hands to get rid of the knot she said the heat from the rocks works wonders. They have a special going, $45 for half an hour of hot rocks (usually $60). So I might go for that. I've also just noted that they do waxing. I can choose from bikini, g-string, mohawk or brazilian. I'm assuming that Brazilian is the same where ever you go (unless of course you're in New Jersey where it's outlawed!) so I'll just go for that. At $50 it's slightly more than the one in Amazingstoke (depending on the exchange rate) but I wouldn't have thought that there would be such a high demand here for it. Well, I could be wrong. I'm curious as to what a mohawk is though!

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